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Techniques Used

Upper Cervical Specific First

For over 16 years Dr. Buck has developed “The Buck protocol” which has evolved into a specific and gentle approach that is now used by Doctor’s of Chiropractic all over the world. The Buck protocol is a result of taking a deep dive into and understanding some of the major techniques in our profession and combining them into a one very specific analysis that allows for the precise application of the specific corrective and gentle adjustment.

The Buck protocol starts with an upper cervical specific first approach. The upper cervical specific first approach comes from the understanding of the importance of the Atlas, C1, or the very first bone in the neck and its proximity to the brain stem and its regulation of vital functions in the body. Through years of experience we can conclude there to be empirical evidence to suggest that we can profoundly impact lung function, Blood Pressure, gastrointestinal function, immune system function, anxiety, concentration, postural correction, structural correction as well as pain. Gentle and effective full spine adjustments are also administered in our office.

Pediatric Specific

Dr. Buck has a fellowship through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association ( and is proudly considered a master in the art of providing chiropractic care to newborns, children, and expectant moms. While studying at Life University Dr. Buck decided to begin his post doctorate studies in pediatric chiropractic because his intention was to become the best Chiropractor he could be for his own children. As a side effect Dr. Buck has mastered the art of pediatric chiropractic which has prepared him well to provide gentle Upper Cervical Specific first care to thousands of children.

In general, it is our wellness patients that become pregnant and recognize the importance of Chiropractic care for the wellness of the entire family that include chiropractic care during pregnancy and then for the newborn and for the child’s continued development. In addition, people seek out Dr. Buck for babies with Colic, reflux, and children with allergies, asthma, ADHD, autism, and scoliosis.

Webster Technique

Dr. Buck is certified in and extremely proficient in the Webster’s Technique. For over 16 years Dr. Buck has been applying the protocol all over the world and has helped expectant mothers improve their pregnancy outcomes specifically when baby is in breach presentation.

The Websters Technique was developed by Dr. Larry Webster over 30 years ago, and according to a study done by Jeanne Ohm, D.C. & Joel Alcantara, D.C., the Webster Technique has been observed clinically to be associated with improved pregnancy outcomes since its introduction. The study also suggests that due to empirical observations pregnant women under chiropractic care with breech fetal pregnancies reported the correction of fetal position to vertex following the use of the Webster Technique.

In our own experience we have noticed and can report correction to fetal position in all those mothers that presented to our office with breach presentation. It is important to note that Dr. Buck and Buck Chiropractic do not intend to misrepresent what the websters technique is. The focus of the technique according to Dr. Buck is to enhance the neuro-biomechanics in the individual presenting to the office for care consistent with the intentions of the study referenced and the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association’s definition of the Webster’s technique. It must not be misinterpreted to be a treatment for fetal malposition or in-utero constraint or described as a baby turning technique.

Dr. Buck is very proud to have had the opportunity to help so many expectant mothers improve their pregnancy outcomes, specifically when baby is in breach presentation.